Results for 'Bexy Katerine Cruz Torrado'

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  1.  12
    “Porque te quiero…” una mirada a la violencia basada en género en las relaciones de noviazgo en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias.Ana Milena Montoya Ruíz, Bexy Katerine Cruz Torrado & Paola E. Leottau Mercado - 2013 - Ratio Juris 8 (16):181-200.
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  2. Formación docente desde la filosofía educativa transdisciplinaria.Floralba Aguilar, Javier Collado, José Manuel Touriñan, Robert Fernando Bolaños-Vivas, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alex Estrada-García, María Alejandra Marcelín-Alvarado, Dante Augusto Galeffi, Florent Pasquier, Nicolás Aguilar-Forero, Elisa Álvarez-Monsalve, Alexis Alberto Mena-Zamora, Odalia Llerena-Companioni, Oscar Santiago Barzaga- Sablón, Grey Zita Zambrano, Elva Vaca-Cárdenas, Yamilia Bárbara Cruz-Álvarez, Fanny Tubay-Zambrano, Cristian Javier Urbina Velasco, María Fernanda Alvarado-Ávila, Joselin Katerine Segovia-Sarmiento, Karina Luzdelia Mendoza-Bravo, Katty Isabel Posligua-Loor, Miguel Orozco-Malo & Cufuna Silva-Amino - 2023 - Quito: Abya Yala.
    La formación docente es indispensable para responder a los requerimientos de la compleja sociedad actual. De su conocimiento, iniciativa, praxis y creatividad depende el éxito o el fracaso del sujeto que aprende. Al modificar el rol del docente se transforma la actitud de los estudiantes. ¿Cómo entender la formación filosófica transdisciplinar? Este texto responde a este y otros cuestionamientos: ¿cuáles son los planteamientos pedagógicos afines a la era digital? ¿en qué medida las TIC se encuentran al servicio de una filosofía (...)
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    For, against, and beyond: healthcare professionals’ positions on Medical Assistance in Dying in Spain.Iris Parra Jounou, Rosana Triviño-Caballero & Maite Cruz-Piqueras - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Background In 2021, Spain became the first Southern European country to grant and provide the right to euthanasia and medically assisted suicide. According to the law, the State has the obligation to ensure its access through the health services, which means that healthcare professionals’ participation is crucial. Nevertheless, its implementation has been uneven. Our research focuses on understanding possible ethical conflicts that shape different positions towards the practice of Medical Assistance in Dying, on identifying which core ideas may be underlying (...)
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    Rostral and caudal prefrontal contribution to creativity: a meta-analysis of functional imaging data.Gil Gonen-Yaacovi, Leonardo Cruz de Souza, Richard Levy, Marika Urbanski, Goulven Josse & Emmanuelle Volle - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  5.  14
    Marxismo e filosofia da linguagem: a recepção de Bakhtin e o Círculo no Brasil.Beth Brait & Maria Helena Cruz Pistori - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (2):33-63.
    RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é analisar e avaliar um conjunto de textos aqui denominados textos-moldura presentes nas obras de Bakhtin e do Círculo traduzidas no Brasil desde 1979, com vistas a traçar um panorama nacional crítico do contexto de recepção da obra bakhtiniana e evidenciar algumas de suas especificidades, indiciadas nos diálogos que empreendem com os aspectos sociais, históricos e culturais. Pretende-se, ainda, contribuir para o aprofundamento dos estudos dialógicos e sua incontestável dimensão interdisciplinar. Além da perspectiva dialógica, as (...)
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    Cultura, estudos literários e grande tempo.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes Dugnani, Paulo Rogério Stella & Carlos Gontijo Rosa - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (4):e64121p.
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    Characterization of the written State examination in the Stomatology Faculty at the Medical University of Camag|ey.Sarah Teresita Gutiérrez Martore & López Cruz - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):843-864.
    Introducción: El examen estatal escrito evalúa la competencia del egresado y debe cumplir los requisitos de su confección y de su análisis informar las deficiencias en el proceso docente educativo para su perfeccionamiento. Objetivo: Caracterizar el examen estatal ordinario escrito y los resultados obtenidos en la Facultad de Estomatología. Camagüey durante el período 2011-2012. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo del examen estatal ordinario escrito aplicado a 146 estudiantes. Se elaboró una base de datos con las calificaciones obtenidas, índice académico (...)
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    Frequent Use of Mobile Devices and its Impact on Early Childhood.Clemencia Magdalena Aguirre Pluas, Narcisa Isabel Cordero Alvarado, Mirey Magdalena Cruz Ordóñez & Sulay Triana Galindo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1931-1950.
    The study consists of a systematic review, where the objective was set: to analyze the impact of the use of mobile devices in early childhood, answering the following questions: What is the frequency of the use of mobile devices in early childhood? What is the impact of frequent use of mobile devices in early childhood? Scientific productions from the SCOPUS, Web of Science, Gale OneFile Psychology and ProQuest databases were analyzed, publications made from 2020 to 2023. The study is based (...)
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    Resenha.Leys Eduardo dos Santos Soares, Rodrigo Wanderley de Sousa-Cruz & José Everaldo dos Santos Neto - 2024 - Cognitio 25 (1):e67349.
    Em sua obra Semiótica dos Jogos Infantis, Pierre Normando Gomes-da-Silva situa o movimento humano e, por conseguinte, a Educação Física, no campo da linguagem, especificamente das semióticas (francesa, americana e russa). Apresenta um arcabouço teórico e desenhos de análise semiótica que permitem visualizar e acompanhar a produção de sentido ou a semiose que transcorre em diferentes jogos infantis. O sujeito da aprendizagem foi tomado como configuração sígnica das experiências vividas, denominando-as corporeidades. O movimento como signo motor é descrito como ocorrências (...)
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    Comunismo e Anticomunismo no jornal Tribuna Criciumense ‒ 1955-1965.João Henrique Zanelatto & Krislaine Da Cruz De Campos - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (2):98.
    O jornal Tribuna Criciumense foi o único impresso publicado na cidade de Criciúma no período deste escrito. Fundado em 1955, ele passou por três fases. Na primeira, produziu um discurso anticomunista, mas de maneira um pouco tímida. Na segunda fase, com curta duração, o impresso passou a valorizar a ideologia comunista e, ao mesmo tempo, a defesa do presidente João Goulart. A última fase foi marcada por ataques violentos contra o comunismo, em defesa do golpe civil-militar e da ditadura implantada. (...)
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    Your Brain on Art: Emergent Cortical Dynamics During Aesthetic Experiences.Kimberly L. Kontson, Murad Megjhani, Justin A. Brantley, Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Sho Nakagome, Dario Robleto, Michelle White, Eugene Civillico & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12.  49
    Metric spaces and the axiom of choice.Omar De la Cruz, Eric Hall, Paul Howard, Kyriakos Keremedis & Jean E. Rubin - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (5):455-466.
    We study conditions for a topological space to be metrizable, properties of metrizable spaces, and the role the axiom of choice plays in these matters.
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    Do protein motifs read the histone code?Xavier de la Cruz, Sergio Lois, Sara Sánchez-Molina & Marian A. Martínez-Balbás - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (2):164-175.
  14.  12
    Senciência e epistemologia.Sérgio Rodrigues de Santana, Eliane Epifane Martins & Annebelle Pena Lima Magalhães Cruz - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7059.
    O desafio da epistemologia é compreender o que é o conhecimento científico e como o cientista chega a ele, do mesmo modo tudo que orbita este caráter, o que inclui a senciência, logo a relação epistemólogo e sua condição de ‘estar-no-mundo’ que podem ser suspensos, refletido e analisado. A senciência é capacidade dos seres humanos e alguns organismos mais simples de perceber e sentir as emoções, sentimentos e afetações positivas e negativas de forma consciente e impostar-se sobre os excedentes esta (...)
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  15. Do Gender-Related Stereotypes Affect Spatial Performance? Exploring When, How and to Whom Using a Chronometric Two-Choice Mental Rotation Task.Carla Sanchis-Segura, Naiara Aguirre, Álvaro J. Cruz-Gómez, Noemí Solozano & Cristina Forn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:398111.
    It is a common belief that males have superior visuospatial abilities and that differences in this and other cognitive domains (e.g., math) contribute to the reduced interest and low representation of girls and women in STEM education and professions. However, previous studies show that gender-related implicit associations and explicit beliefs, as well as situational variables, might affect cognitive performance in those gender-stereotyped domains and produce between-gender spurious differences. Therefore, the present study aimed to provide information on when, how and who (...)
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    Estudios bibliométricos en educación: revisión sistemática 2018-2022.Jehovanni Fabricio Velarde-Molina, Elias Manuel Said-Hung, Kevin Mario Laura-De La Cruz & Marjorie Gabriela Delgado Rospigliosi - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):11-23.
    El estudio examina mediante una revisión sistemática la literatura científica. La metodología se basó en la aplicación de los principios de la declaración PRISMA. Los resultados indicaron que la mayor producción de estudios fue en 2021, con predominancia de idioma inglés, España como el mayor productor, Reino Unido con el mayor número de revistas y el uso de realidad aumentada como la estrategia más estudiada. La producción científica en educación, y más particularmente en metodologías aplicada a la educación, ha generado (...)
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  17. Definitions of compactness and the axiom of choice.Omar De la Cruz, Eric Hall, Paul Howard, Jean E. Rubin & Adrienne Stanley - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):143-161.
    We study the relationships between definitions of compactness in topological spaces and the roll the axiom of choice plays in these relationships.
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    Um Cálculo de Sequentes a Partir Do Sistema Trivalente e Fracamente Intuicionista I1.Elias Oliveira Vieira dos Santos & Luiz Henrique da Cruz Silvestrini - 2023 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (38):174-206.
    A lógica I1, um sistema trivalorado de caráter fracamente intuicionista, foi introduzida, via sistema axiomático (Hilbertiano) em 1995 por Sette e Carnielli. O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar esse sistema em um formalismo lógico em Cálculo de Sequentes, denominado de GI1, o qual se apresenta como um sistema de prova de teoremas, caracterizado como um algoritmo, sendo mais aplicável do ponto de vista computacional, por meio da dualização do sistema de tableaux analíticos TI1. Ademais, é apresentado a equivalência dedutiva (...)
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    Trends in health research ethics in the Philippines during the American Colonial Period (1898‐1946).Patricia Ana Vic H. Arcega, Chiara Louise P. Cabantac & Ronald Allan L. Cruz - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (3):180-185.
    Research involving human participants has been conducted in the Philippines since the beginning of the Spanish colonial period. Such studies are expected to adhere to internationally accepted ethical guidelines. This paper discusses trends in clinical research ethics in the Philippines during the American colonial period (1898‐1946). Specifically, studies were assessed on: 1) their observance of ethical protocols, including review; 2) identification of inclusion and exclusion criteria in the selection of participants; 3) use of vulnerable subjects; and 4) practice of the (...)
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    Análisis de riesgo en proyectos de inversion un caso de estudio.Carmén Lucía Bazzani Correa, Cruz Trejos & Eduardo Arturo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Diálogos do presente: quais os sentidos? Quais as respostas?Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes-Dugnani & Orison Marden Bandeira de Melo Júnior - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (3):2-7.
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    Factorial Structure of The Quality of Life and University Identity in Students from Northwestern Mexico.Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Elias Alexander Vallejo Montoya & Cruz Garcia Lirios - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:805-813.
    The objective of this work was to contrast the hypothesis of significant differences between the quality of university life reported in the literature with respect to the empirical observations in a university in northwestern Mexico. A cross-sectional, exploratory, correlational and psychometric study was carried out with a sample of intentionally selected students. A two-dimensional factorial structure related to quality of life and university identity was found that contravenes the theoretical structure reported in the state of the art, although the literature (...)
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  23. Promises and Consistency.Rachel Cohon & Jason D'Cruz - 2016 - In Iskra Fileva (ed.), Questions of Character. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 215-230.
    Situationists in moral philosophy infer from empirical studies in social psychology that human beings lack cross-situational behavioral consistency: that is, for the most part, we human beings are not able to act in the same trait-relevant way across a range of distinct types of situations, because those situational differences trigger differences in behavior. In this paper we defend the following thesis: one who accepts this conclusion (that is, one who judges that human beings in general are not possessed of behavioral (...)
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  24. The role of proportionality in international investment law and arbitration a system-specific perspective.Eric De Brabandere & Paula Baldini Miranda da Cruz - 2021 - In Ulf Linderfalk & Eduardo Gill-Pedro (eds.), Revisiting proportionality in international and European law: interests and interest- holders. Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.
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    Breves notas sobre los estudios de la germanística en Cuba.Ediltrudis Panadero de la Cruz & José Álvarez Romaguera - 2014 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 24 (1):75-78.
    Breves notas sobre los estudios de la germanística en Cuba.
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    Eduardo Chillida y María Zambrano, guiados por un aroma.María Cristina de la Cruz-Ayuso - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (307):151-170.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer el diálogo entre la obra de Chillida y el pensamiento de Zambrano. A partir de la colaboración del escultor en 1989 en el Catálogo de la exposiciónhomenaje a María Zambrano, con motivo de la concesión del Premio Cervantes a la filósofa española, se presenta una concisa crónica a partir de las escasas pero significativas colaboraciones y referencias que existen sobre Chillida y Zambrano que arrojan cierta luz sobre la relación que existe entre (...)
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  27.  12
    El pensamiento ético de Andrés Avelino.Pérez de la Cruz & Rosa Elena - 2007 - México, D. F.: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México.
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    El silencio de los oprimidos: el culto de los Paliki.Cruz Cardete del Olmo - forthcoming - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones.
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    Evolución y relato: más allá del neodarwinismo y el diseño inteligente.Manuel Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (1):29-48.
    Evolution and Story: Beyond Neo-Darwinism and Intelligent Design This article analyses evolution from a philosophical perspective, contrasting the problems raised by both Neo-Darwinism and Intelligent Design theory. First, I discuss some of the problems that Synthetic theory presents from a scientific point of view, as well as the philosophical problems involved in the Neo-Darwinism of Dawkins, Dennett, Monod and Ruse. I argue that Neo-Darwinism, although presented as a scientific doctrine, is in fact fundamentally philosophical, and presents some important problems that (...)
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    Determinants of the multinationals' social response. Empirical application to international companies operating in Spain.María la Cruz Déniz-Dénidez & Juan Manuel García-Falcón - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (4):339 - 370.
    To survive and be successful in today's setting of globalisation and complexity, companies are obliged to think in wider strategic terms, developing active and enterprising strategies that include social, political and ecological elements, besides the economic ones. The analysis of the relationship between companies and society is especially interesting when these companies operate in international markets. Countries demand that large corporations contribute to local, regional and national development in such a way that their resources are exchanged for a significant increase (...)
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    ¿Permiso para investigar? Reflexiones sobre los requisitos éticos de la observación participante en el contexto de la entrevista familiar de obtención de órganos.María Victoria Martínez López, Eva María Martín Nieto & Maite Cruz Piqueras - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (2).
    Although many of the factors that may influence donation have been identified, the timing of the interview in which families are asked for their authorisations seems to be decisive. However, there are few studies that analyse this process when the interview takes place. Qualitative techniques such as Participant Observation could help to better understand this process. One of the most recurring arguments against carrying out this type of study is the difficulty in complying with all the ethical requirements for any (...)
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    Child abuse and primary health care attention.Carmen Laura Pérez Cabrera, Guillermo Peña Cruz & Lourdes de la C. Cabrera Reyes - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):415-435.
    El presente texto se inscribe dentro de la temática dirigida a la investigación sobre la violencia intrafamiliar. Tiene como objetivo sistematizar aspectos históricos y teóricos inherentes al estudio del maltrato infantil y sus consecuencias en el ámbito social y familiar para su detección y tratamiento en el nivel de atención primaria de los servicios de salud en Cuba. Mediante una revisión bibliográfica se logró concretar un análisis documental de materiales y textos en soporte digital e impreso que condujo a los (...)
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  33. TV Pendrive: o que dizem os professores.Ana Cláudia Cerini Trevisan, Gabriela Spagnuolo Cavicchioli, Mariana Sieni da Cruz Gallo & Doralice Aparecida Paranzini Gorni - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (2):23-37.
    Este estudo pretende discutir as relações existentes entre mídia e educação, analisando as políticas públicas que influenciaram a criação da TV Pendrive, identificando a percepção dos professores acerca da mesma. Justifica-se pelo fato de que no ano de 2007 o governo federal criou o Programa Nacional de Tecnologia Educacional (ProInfo), com o objetivo de informatizar o ensino, buscando promover uma educação com maior qualidade. Nesse contexto, a Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná, com vistas à inclusão e ao acesso (...)
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    O caminho: grupo de humanização.Sémares Genuino Vieira, Marcelo Silva Cavalcanti, Maria Gabriela Amorim da Silva & Geizy Alves dos Santos Cruz (eds.) - 2012 - Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE.
    Esta obra é um espelho prático de humanização dos serviços de saúde, este visto como processo Fala, essencialmente, de como alguns decidiram dedicar parte de seu tempo a outras pessoas, apresentando um projeto de extensão que contou com a participação de mais de mil pessoas Este Projeto, chamado O Caminho, conseguiu ultrapassar as paredes, escadas e corredores de um hospital universitário, tornando possíveis reuniões descontraídas e amorosas, cuidados singelos para pacientes realmente doentes, mas que mostrou operar uma mudança real na (...)
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    The “Research Misconception” and the SUPPORT Trial: Toward Evidence-Based Consensus.Dominic J. C. Wilkinson, Nicole Gerrand, Melinda Cruz & William Tarnow-Mordi - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (12):48-50.
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  36. Aproximación al pensamiento teológico de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.Enrique Ignacio Aguayo Cruz - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 68.
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  37. Evolutionary Approaches to Epistemic Justification.Helen de Cruz, Maarten Boudry, Johan de Smedt & Stefaan Blancke - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (4):517-535.
    What are the consequences of evolutionary theory for the epistemic standing of our beliefs? Evolutionary considerations can be used to either justify or debunk a variety of beliefs. This paper argues that evolutionary approaches to human cognition must at least allow for approximately reliable cognitive capacities. Approaches that portray human cognition as so deeply biased and deficient that no knowledge is possible are internally incoherent and self-defeating. As evolutionary theory offers the current best hope for a naturalistic epistemology, evolutionary approaches (...)
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    Born to bind: the BTB protein–protein interaction domain.Roberto Perez-Torrado, Daisuke Yamada & Pierre-Antoine Defossez - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (12):1194-1202.
    The BTB domain is a protein–protein interaction motif that is found throughout eukaryotes. It determines a unique tri‐dimensional fold with a large interaction surface. The exposed residues are highly variable and can permit dimerization and oligomerization, as well as interaction with a number of other proteins. BTB‐containing proteins are numerous and control cellular processes that range from actin dynamics to cell‐cycle regulation. Here, we review findings in the field of transcriptional regulation to illustrate how the high variability of the BTB (...)
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    Estudios jurídicos en homenaje al profesor Santa Cruz Teijeiro.José Santa Cruz Teijeiro (ed.) - 1974 - Valencia: Universidad, Facultad de Derecho.
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  40. Loprivadoy lo público en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt.Nancy Rocio Taplas Torrado - 2005 - Universitas Philosophica 44:71-86.
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  41. Implicaciones Epistemológicas de la Gramática Transformacional de Noam Chomsky.Rafael Torrado Pacheco - 1984 - Universitas Philosophica 2:79-92.
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    Datafication and data fiction: Narrating data and narrating with data.Edgar Gómez Cruz & Paul Dourish - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    Data do not speak for themselves. Data must be narrated—put to work in particular contexts, sunk into narratives that give them shape and meaning, and mobilized as part of broader processes of interpretation and meaning-making. We examine these processes through the lens of ethnographic practice and, in particular, ethnography’s attention to narrative processes. We draw on a particular case in which digital data must be animated and narrated by different groups in order to examine broader questions of how we might (...)
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    Exploring Public Health Research for Corporate Health Policy: Insights for Business and Society Scholars.Lilia Raquel Rojas-Cruz, Irene Henriques & Bryan W. Husted - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Despite the growing interest in societal impact in the business and society literature, there remains a notable gap in research on the impact of health interventions on physical and mental health and social welfare. To address this gap, we shift the unit of analysis to the intervention, akin to the level of analysis used in health research. Drawing on a curated subset of health interventions in the workplace from the public health literature, we argue that management scholars can adopt the (...)
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    Experiencia Reconfiguradora Del Trap.Carlos Manuel Romero Torrado - 2021 - Metanoia 6:145-165.
    En este trabajo propongo que la experiencia estética del trap posee una capacidad influencial que se realiza a través de la narrativa de la acción que ofrece el fearless speech. Este discurso se da desde un modo de existencia inferior y es capaz de contar la verdad de la realidad del sujeto. Dicha acción implica reconfigurar el mundo a través de la narrativa que parte desde un llegar a ser o becoming. Esta reconfiguración a su vez supone la reconfiguración de (...)
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    Oops, scratch that! Monitoring one’s own errors during mental calculation.Ana L. Fernandez Cruz, Santiago Arango-Muñoz & Kirsten G. Volz - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):110-120.
    The feeling of error (FOE) is the subjective experience that something went wrong during a reasoning or calculation task. The main goal of the present study was to assess the accuracy of the FOE in the context of mental mathematical calculation. We used the number bisection task (NBT) to evoke this metacognitive feeling and assessed it by asking participants if they felt they have committed an error after solving the task. In the NBT participants have to determine whether the number (...)
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  46. Paley's ipod: The cognitive basis of the design argument within natural theology.Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt - 2010 - Zygon 45 (3):665-684.
    The argument from design stands as one of the most intuitively compelling arguments for the existence of a divine Creator. Yet, for many scientists and philosophers, Hume's critique and Darwin's theory of natural selection have definitely undermined the idea that we can draw any analogy from design in artifacts to design in nature. Here, we examine empirical studies from developmental and experimental psychology to investigate the cognitive basis of the design argument. From this it becomes clear that humans spontaneously discern (...)
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  47. Experiencias de la identidad.Rodrigo Díaz Cruz - 1993 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 2:63-74.
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  48. Lourdes Lontok Cruz: Mother, Aunt & Friend.Timmy Cruz, Sabrina Lontok & Cynthia V. Subijano - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):107-117.
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  49. (1 other version)La modalidad en el lenguaje natural: Consideraciones lógicas y pragmaticas.Begoña Vicente Cruz & Pablo Rodriguez Gutierrez - 1996 - Theoria 11 (26):147-162.
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    Towards a post-democratic era? Moral education against new forms of authoritarianism.Cruz Pérez, Maria Rosa Buxarrais & Vicent Gozálvez - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (4):474-488.
    ABSTRACT Educating in a convulsed political context demands a detailed analysis of the new circumstances of our times, especially the current democracy crisis. According to the latest reports issued by international evaluation organisations, one of the greatest challenges for democratic citizenship is the emergence and rise of authoritarianism within the framework of the so-called post-democracy, and also in the manifestations known as illiberal democracy. Moral and civic education has to respond to this challenge. With this in mind, we propose revitalising (...)
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